We Groom Make-up & Nail Artists
S & Co. Make-up Academy was established with the mission of grooming professional make-up & nail artists. As a company with more than 20 years of industry experience and recognition in the makeup & nail art industry, S & Co. understands the industry trend and demand thereby allowing its students to make the most out of its Make-up and Nail Art Courses.

Learn, Grow & Have Fun With Us
We embrace dynamic learning experience at S & Co. Make-up Academy. Our syllabus evolves from time to time based on our commercial & hiring partners' demand. Within classroom, our experienced tutors help unleash our students' sense of beauty & creativity. Beyond classroom, our outdoor event assignments allow students to work alongside with our tutors in completing real jobs for our partners & clients. Your path to makeup & nail art success and personal development starts here at S & Co. Make-up Academy!